Our Mission
Delivering the uncompromised gospel of Jesus Christ to people of all races, regardless of nationality, age, or gender.
Healing the sick, restoring the brokenhearted, delivering the captives, renewing the minds of the people, and saving the lost.
We are a nondenominational, Bible-based, international church with a multicultural ministry.
We are dedicated to teaching God's word and focusing on the finished work of Christ.
By focusing on our current position in Christ and his present position at the right hand of God, we are placed in the context of his present agenda for this dispensation.
Making us aware of who we are (our identity) and where we stand in Christ.
Empowering the next generation (youth and children) for the challenges ahead in life and influencing their world uncompromisingly for Christ.
Making disciples for the work of Christ so, there will be a continued domino effect for winning souls for the Kingdom of God.
Making opportunities available for the purpose of discovering the gifts, talents, and the calling of God in the life of individuals.